Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Link Lovin'

Recently, due to the discovery of some adorable online boutiques (and our unfortunate lack of shopping options within a 3 hour radius) I've found a new obsession: online shopping. I know, I know... the sport has been tainted by the disappointing arrival of those too-large jeans, too-short tops, and too-small shoes, but I've braved a few virtual shopping carts of the inter-web and found that, with the right information, you can find some really great additions to your wardrobe that weren't accessible before.

Here are some of the online shops I'm loving:

Modcloth- Oh. My. Word. Take retro 60's fashion and put it in a blender with lace, pearls and all things vintage and what do you have? You have a marvelous online boutique. That's what.

Another favorite? Ruche. This classy shop has everything from frocks to floral. Their bohemian-style dresses are unique and very fashionable. I have a thing for kitten heels, and this site could very well have me supplied. 

Lulu's also made the list! In style and pretty affordable. I'm loving their new fall collection!

And, last but not least, this post would be incomplete without one of my all time favorites: Urban Outfitters. High fashion and bold, I simply love their oversized T's, flowey skirts and fun dresses. 

So, while the experience of online browsing could never replace the thrill of REAL shopping, there is something sweetly enjoyable about putting on your favorite comfy sweats, making yourself a big cup of coffee, and opening up that laptop to visit your favorite places straight from your couch. 

What's your favorite online shop?


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